Feb 11, 2014

All Dressed Up and No Where to Go

Because I am leaving before Jesse and spending time on the beach with family, we had to get ready for the trip a bit early. It must have taken us a day and a half to run around, pick up small things not already in our pack essentials (needle, floss, safety pins, etc.). But we did it!

Biggest surprise? How LIGHT they are! With food (but not water) Jesse's pack is about 22 pounds. Mine is about the same. This is, of course, without mittens, hats, balaclavas, and other things which we'll be wearing or carrying the first month or so. 

Now is a great time, again, to mention the people who helped us get to this point. We turned Jesse's parents' basement into a small outfitter. His brothers helped me move (carload by carload), and everyone up in Snyderville has given us tons of support as we've tied up loose ends with our real lives. 

I'm a little worried about getting on a plane with my gear, but that worry means this trip is so close I can taste it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Trish, I hope your preparation goes smoothly! I am jealous about your trip. You will have a great fun and a great experience! --Lin
